1. 5 songs you'll listen to the rest of your life...
"This is Me" Faith Hill
"Home" Phillip Phillips
"Washed by the Water" NeedtoBreathe
"Hard Way Home" Brandi Carlile
"Sigh No More" Mumford & Sons
2. 5 things on your bucket list...
Travel to Australia
Get married & have kids
Scuba Dive
Get a tattoo
Take my parents on a vacation
3. 5 celebs you'd love to hang out with for a day...
Faith Hill
Kelly Ripa
Jennifer Garner
Jake Gyllenhaal
Hugh Jackman
4. 5 things you always carry in your purse...
Gum (always Trident)
My Camera
A book :)
5. 5 books on your reading list...
High Noon Nora Roberts
Slow Burn Julie Garwood
Fire & Ice Julie Garwood
The Best Man Kristan Higgins
The Girl on the Edge of the Cliff Lucinda Reiley
6. Share the last five pictures on your phone...
I can't, for some reason my phone isn't connecting to my computer :(
But they are all picture of Lovebug #4 lol
Happy Sunday!
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