Monday, December 8, 2014

Monday's musings

It is December 8th, I still don't believe it.

I wrapped all of my Christmas presents this weekend,I love wrapping,even if I am not the best at it.

Celebrating my Mom yesterday with brunch,Chinese food and chocolate cake!

Watching cheesy Hallmark Christmas movies while comfy,cozy on the couch under a blanket is the best way to pass some time over the weekend.

Coffee with Bestie P and K on Sat was fun,laughing hard at life and our antics makes for good times.

The Christmas tree will be bought next weekend...I can't wait!

Pam Jenoff's the Winter Guest is good;I love historical fiction.

Two more weeks of work then Winter break!!

Happy Monday!

1 comment:

  1. Chinese food is the BEST! Sounds like a heavenly time!


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