Saturday, August 23, 2014


Big news!!!

After 5 years of trying,applying,hoping,praying,trying,applying,hoping,wishing,praying,and trying I am finally back in a true school setting!!! Last Sunday I officially accepted a TA (teacher's assistant) position in a special ed kindergarten room at an elementary school;it is my foot in the door! I love the kindergarten teachers I work with and the other TAs are great. The six students in our room are sweet and smart and our first week is already done!

Friday: Had the interview early in the morning before I went to my "old" job.

Saturday/Sunday: I received the phone calls from the school principal and assistant superintendent offering me the job, I called my old job and left them a message saying I took the TA position and that Monday would be my last day there.

Monday: Had my last day as a PreK teacher in the corporate daycare;said good bye to my coworkers,bosses and kiddos.

Tuesday: Went to the district office to fill out the paper work before the Institute Day! Went to Institute day.

Wednesday-Friday: Full days in the classroom with the students!!

What a crazy,enjoyable,whirlwind of a week! It all still hasn't sunk in yet and I can't stop being happy,grateful,blessed and excited for this new chapter in my life.

This is just another part of His plan and I am very excited about this leg of the journey.

God is good,all the time.


  1. Congratulations! I'm very happy for you. :) God is great!

  2. Congratulations- wonderful news!

  3. Congratulations! It's amazing that the time between the interview and start date was so short. I have always had longer periods of time. Sounds like it was meant to be!


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