Friday, December 7, 2012

friday's letters


Dear December, hello! you sure came around rather quickly!

Dear Mom, happy birthday!!

Dear Elementary and Person of Interest, you are rocking my tv viewing! I anxiously await your weekly arrival.

Dear short-non fat-no whip-peppermint-mocha, what a lovely friday morning treat you are.

Dear Weekend, you are looking to be fantastic and fun-filled, I can't wait.

Dear Cold, glad you are practically gone and I am almost 100% again.

Dear Bman, you made me laugh so hard when I asked you to clean up your superheroes and you did it but kept saying "are you kidding me?" while doing it :)

Dear Besties, sunday downtown + the christkindl market will be so fun!!

Dear Christmas, I am gearing up for you, I can't believe you are a little over two weeks away.

Happy Friday!


  1. UGH my dvr didn't record person of interest. I wonder how many episodes I've missed :(

  2. "are you kidding me?" hahaha I'd be cracking up listening to that!

    Glad the cold is leaving you. :)
    Came from Ashley's link up!
    Emily at Amazing Grapes


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