Thursday, December 12, 2013


that this week is ALMOST over
my Christmas shopping is done and presents are wrapped
this weekend:hopefully a Besties date then a family wedding then picking out the Christmas tree
these next two weeks:taking a day off of work and Christmas celebrating with the family!
morning cups of coffee
target runs on my lunch break
keeping my sanity (for the most part) while we have to stay inside all day with the pre-k kiddos. it is no fun for anyone---darn this cold cold cold weather!
chicago fire,elementary,arrow
reading Sarah Jio's newest novel,Morning Glory
secret snowflake at work :)
laughing when one of my students told me they saw my commercial,as in Victoria's Secret commerical. I never thought I would hear that from a four year old!!
What are you enjoying this week? 
Post my button and link up,please!

1 comment:

  1. I love Chicago Fire! I can't wait for Chicago PD. My bf is a Chicago Cop...makes me miss home even more when I see these shows!


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