Monday, February 27, 2012

Dear Monday


Dear Monday please let the week turn out better (health wise) than it is has started...the older sis and Lovebug #2 having the stomach bug is no fun.

Dear Germs go away! Please don't stick around or spread anymore. Thanks!

Dear Weekend thanks for being awesome!

Dear Target please stop stocking your $1 section with great things.

Dear Self stop being sucked into the $1 section at Target...and the clearance racks.

Dear Von Maur thanks for the two cute tops that were on sale :)

Dear Besties P and K thanks for a great coffee date!

Dear JetBlue please deliver my parents and sister home safely today.

Join up too with Megan.
Happy Monday!


  1. Oh my gosh, I got sucked into the $1 section at Target Friday night. It's brutal :)

  2. Dude. That $1-$2 bin section at Target might as well be a magnet. So. Good. Must. Resist!

    Found you through Megan's link-up! Adorable blog.

  3. Visiting from Dear Monday. I hear you on the Target deals - I mostly try to just walk by :). I hope everyone in your house will be healthy soon.


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