Sunday, June 10, 2012

sunday social

Sunday Social
Thanks,Neely and Ashley!
How did you come up with your blog name?
My blog name includes the most important things that I have in my life and that it is MY life to live. My previous blog was called "collegeandcoffee" while I was in college (shocking,I know) but that is also a pretty self explanatory name :)

What is your favorite thing about blogging?
I love "meeting" new people and reading about their lives,journeys and adventures. I love finding bloggers that are in the same type of situation I am in and being able to connect with them and to know I am not the only one going through something. Also, I LOVE finding bloggers from the South (I am strangely obsessed with the South) and from Europe or Australia (my dream travel destinations). It is just a great and neat way to get to know others you might never know before hand.
What is one thing you have discovered because of blogging and now can't live without?
Etsy! I love that site; and I have even started my own photography shop on there last Summer. I love finding unique gifts that support crafty and hardworking people.

Facebook or Twitter? and why?
Neither,actually. I deleted my facebook account years ago because it was a distraction while I was in college-haha. And I don't really see the point of twitter, I don't need people to know everything about me and my daily accounts.

If one celeb read your blog who would you want it to be?
Well I adore Reese Witherspoon, Rachel McAdams and Jennifer Garner but I don't really know why they would ever read my blog :)

What is something you want people to know about your blog?
It is MY place to talk about/discuss/share what I want to regarding my life. I don't blog everyday and I love a fun link-up. I am honest and sarcastic, so stick around for a laugh!
Happy Sunday!!


  1. I also Loove etsy!!
    And looove all those celebrities you listed! If I hadn't gone with a blogger that probably would have been my exact list!

  2. I love Reese too... she just seems like a genuinely sweet person and why wouldnt they read your blog? It is great!

    Keep it up girl,

    Happy Sunday!

  3. Reese Witherspoon and Rachel McAdams are great choices, now if only we could actually interest them enough for them to follow along haha :)

  4. Ha, I'm on the verge of deleting my FB account and haven't gotten on Twitter yet, I guess I'm old fashioned. I have the same girl crushes as you, Reese and Rachel are my absolute favorites for their classy approaches to life! So fun to meet you!

  5. I totally forgot about Etsy!! I have found out about so many things through blogging :) It's so fun.

    <3 Jamie


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