Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wiser than her years

I just finished reading Bethany Hamilton's autobiography Soul Surfer and I highly recommend it because her story is a powerful and uplifting one. She is a great role model for anyone who is overcoming a challenge and she loves to share and discuss her relationship with God. While reading her book I was surprised to recall that she was just 13/14 years old when the shark attack occurred and when she wrote this book because her words and ways of looking at life are so mature and adult-like. They are inspiring and they made me think about what He has done for me.

One powerful quote, "I have a relationship with Christ that keeps me strong and helps me see how good can come out of a bad situation, I think the reason I haven't gotten all bummed out about losing an arm is due to God. I think that the reason I have been able to tell my story on TV and in magazines is because God wanted other people to know that He is the rock that you can build your life on."

Another example, "So I think it was God's plan for me all along. I am not saying that God made that shark bite me. He knew it would happen, and He made a way for my life to be happy and meaningful in spite of it happening."

One more, "I am proud to be part of God's plans, and I hope, in some small way, this surfer girl from Hawaii can make Him proud,too."

I think a lot of us have the same thoughts and beliefs as Bethany, even if at times it is hard to understand or hear Him. That is what faith it all about...just believing in what you can't really "see" :)

So, thank you, Bethany for sharing your story, attitude on life and praise for God. He has truly blessed you and your grace and happiness in spite of what has happened is truly amazing.


  1. Oh I would love to read the book! We just watched the movie here and it was so powerful!

  2. Sounds like a great book. Now I really want to see the movie


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