Thursday, April 21, 2011


I am linking-up with Christy's "As of Late..." I think it is fun :)

As of late...I have been reading; my book stack slowly dwindles down to a couple and then I go back to the library and it grows once more

As of late...I have been thinking and praying over a big dream of mine that may come to life sooner rather than later

Lately...I have been basking in the laughs, tricks and words that my nephew gives me

Lately...there has been a lot of birthday celebrating in my family and it continues next month, too

As of late...I have been laughing at the wacky jokes Lovebug #2 tells me

Lately...I have become really excited for this Easter weekend and seeing a lot of my siblings

As of late...I continue to check and apply and reapply for full-time teaching jobs. i am crossing my fingers and praying harder than i have prayed before for a job this coming school year...third year is the lucky year, right?!

Lately...there have been a lot of laughs and fun times shared with my besties

As of late...I have been really looking forward to completing my Lenten mission-reading the Psalms. Just a few left!

As of late...there has not been a lot of Spring weather but the flowers and tree buds that continue to appear offer me hope

Your turn!!

1 comment:

  1. Hi Victoria! So glad you could join us! I just love your as of lates....especially your dreams one. And for the time with your bestites... and spring that offers hope.


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