Friday, January 14, 2011

fives on friday...

I am joining up with Mama M this week....

1. What movie could you watch over and over again and not get tired of?

Perhaps the notebook, any of the bourne movies  or sweet home alabama

i know, classy choices :)

2. What's your biggest pet peeve right now?

aggressive drivers....or slow/annoying ones. 

3. If you had to describe your best friend in five words or less, what would you say?

funny...caring... great listener...beautiful...follows God...

yes, i know i technically used 7 words, oh well

4. If you did not have to worry about money or go to school what would you do for a living?

uhhh..i love being a teacher...but i think being a wildlife photographer would be neat

5. What is your one "splurge" item, that you will always buy, no matter the cost?

probably a fancy drink at starbucks....once a week it such a nice treat :)


  1. Hi, I am your newest follower... We have a little bit in common :)

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  3. What a great thing to be a teacher! I think the starbucks drink would be one of mine, too. i have tried making them at home to save money and it never sticks. I always go back to SB


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