Friday, December 31, 2010

On to another!

2010 is winding down and coming to an end while 2011 is peeking around the corner, ready and waiting.

2010 was a great year; a new addition to our family was born,

there were lots of laughs, fun times were had,

countless memories created, sweet moments shared,

travel to new places,

new sights seen and visited,

numerous birthdays and holidays celebrated with family,

there were some tense moments, sad moments, some lost (but then restored) faith in Him, and even a a few patches of teaching job related disappointment. But that is what happens during a long year, right? It works you, it throws things at you, it makes you think and re-evaluate. But most importantly is makes you treasure what you do have and continue to have in your life.

And now we are on to a new year! A fresh start! A clean slate! A new page! ...and whatever else people say.

I am hoping that 2011 is another wonderful, fun, contemplating, thoughtful, enjoyable year.

I don't really make a point of having new year's resolutions (mostly because I feel that if you want to do or change something, you should just do it no matter the time of year) but I do have a few simple desires for this brand new year:
  • take more pictures-i will aim for at least one a day
  • travel and use my passport
  • cross a few more items off my Life's To-Do List
  • continue to be grateful for each day I have

Happy New Year! Cheers to a joyous 2011!!

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