Wednesday, December 22, 2010

From the mouth of A....

Lovebug #2 (aka A) has always been a hilarious and quick-witted little girl. And she truly says some of the funniest things I have ever heard a kid say.

One of my all time favorites....we were playing uno and as she was putting down her last card, she says, "beat that suckerrrrr!" i just busted out laughing :)

The other day she asked me if I wanted to know what each of the four Advent candles meant, I said o"f course" and she told me, "the first one means 'get your heart ready' the second one means (with a little more emphasis in her voice) 'get your heart ready' then the third one means (with even more emphasis and a rising voice) 'get your heart ready!' and the last one means (now even louder and with more force) 'GET YOUR HEART READY!!' 

And just this week when we decorated our Christmas tree she found my starbucks cup ornament, held it in her hands and said in such a serious and determined tone, "really aunt vic?!, really?!"  we all were laughing hard after that.

I can't wait to hear what she says at Christmas :)

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