Thursday, December 8, 2011

holiday cheer

(almost all) presents purchased----check!

wrap presents----check!

listen to Christmas music all. the. time.----check!

revel in the awe and excitement that Christmas brings to the Lovebugs----check!

write down a couple small gift ideas for myself----check!

lights up----check!

decorate inside----check!

drink peppermint mochas or tea----check!

eat trader joe's peppermint jo-jos----check!

have Christmas Eve and Christmas Day outfits planned----check!

pick out Christmas tree & decorate----next weekend!!

watch Christmas movies whenever they are on----check!

read Christmas books to Lovebugs----check!

be excited for and happily awaiting the birth of our Savior----check!

how is your holiday cheer?

1 comment:

  1. Peppermint mochas are so delicious!! I love this time of year!


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