Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Fall Challenge:Day 2

Today's Fall Challenge topic is: Fashion

My usual outfit staples are a pair of jeans, sweaters (preferably argyle), a cute pair of flats/black or brown boots, a simple necklace, a statment ring and an adorable scarf!

Here are a couple outfits I love to wear in the Fall....

What do you like to wear in the glorious Fall months?


  1. I totally agree with the boots and flats. If I'm not wearing boots in the Fall then I try to rock a cute pair of flats :) Love that purple sweater too!

    -Holly @ Eight Six Eleven

  2. love those scarves! such simple but chic outfits :)

  3. great stuff girl- love the boots and flats! ps such a cute blog!

  4. I love both of these outfits!! I so need to go shopping this weekend!!



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