Wednesday, October 20, 2010

cloud nine...take 2

So I am joining up with Carlotta's photo link (cloud 9 is her name for it) again this week...a photo that brings you joy/happiness

From my trip to Colorado and the Rocky Mountains this Summer. I cannot wait to go back there! Such an incredibly amazing and beautiful place! And I would love to see these mountains during the Fall!


  1. So pretty! Colorado is beautiful, isn't it? We went camping there for three weeks a few years ago...we were super glad to go home to hot showers, indoor plumbing, and running water ;)

  2. The Rockies are so beautiful!!!! Great picture. Jeremiah 29:11 is a great verse also!!


Thanks for taking the time to visit and leave a comment! They really do make me smile and I try my best to reply to each one!