Friday, December 3, 2010

fill-in-the-blank, holiday style

Today I am participating in my first "fill in the blank friday"  over on  Lauren's blog; it is a good one this week!

1.   Holiday spirit        makes me so excited and joyful! I love seeing everyone happier and filled with more love and anticipation. And it seems like people are in a more giving mood during the holidays  .

2.  The holidays are incomplete without   anything peppermint, cups of egg nog, lights/decorations outside, a manger inside awaiting Jesus' arrival on Christmas Day, a beautiful live tree decorated with classic family ornaments and colored lights .

3.  My favorite things to do around the holidays is       shop for others, wrap presents,decorate the tree and the outside,  listen to Christmas music and watch my nieces (and now a nephew) experience the  thrill of this season     .

4.  A holiday tradition my family and I have is    we have a lot, but some of my favorites are: picking out our tree at meinkes, and then decorating it together as a family; with Christmas music playing in the background and egg nog and cookies awaiting us after all the decorations are placed upon the tree; and having Christmas Day breakfast together after Mass  .

5.  Holiday music is      a small addiction for me; I would listen to it all year round if I could, I love it and it always puts me in a happier mood .

6.  This year, I'll be spending the holidays  like I normally do, with my family here in Chicago. Our traditional Polish dinner on Christmas Eve at my house then Christmas Day we go to mass, to my sister's for brunch then to one of my Aunt's houses for dinner with all my cousins,etc. Although we will miss the California Kators and B & K :( But we will still have plenty of family around in person to celebrate the true reason for this season   .

7.  Holiday wish list       1. a new cellphone-the samsung mythic  2. faith hill's newest perfume cards to: ann taylor loft, von maur, target, jcrew  4.a new fleece from l.l. bean 5.and don't make fun of me but, a dust buster for my new car      .

Happy Friday, all!!  Link up with this, it is fun!


  1. OOh I love anything peppermint! I made yummy yummy peppermint bark last year!

    p.s. i tried to reply to your comment on my blog, but it seems you haven't listed your email on blogger. i explain how to do it in this post:

    that way people can reply directly to your comments, and you can reply to comments people leave you!

  2. Thank you for making me feel like I'm not the only one who LOVES peppermint! I even buy peppermint soap from bath and body works :x haha.

  3. i love spending the holidays with the little ones! unfortunately my niece & nephews live in colorado so i have never spent a christmas with them... but we always go visit them in december, before or after christmas, & i love bringing them gifts.

    thanks for checking out my blog & happy holidays! :)


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